Saturday, May 11, 2013

To My Mom

For letting me play every sport our little county had to offer

For cooking me good dinners when I didn't appreciate them

For helping give me better Christmases than any kid in my place had a right to have

For giving me no other option than to go to college

For only crying a little bit the first 12 times I went back after a trip home

For thinking I could be a great doctor when I majored in Biology

For thinking I could be a great trainer when I majored in Kinesiology a year later

For going to my first and only bodybuilding competition when it had to be the most uncomfortable time you've ever rooted for me

For being proud of me when I did well

For being proud of me when I didn't

For feeding me when money got tight

For feeding me, period

For liking and sharing and re-posting everything my fledgling business does

For being the best mom I could ask for

Thank you

I love you, mom.

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